CDM Operational Coded Departure Routes Database Query
- RMT WebService: 1.50
- Effective 09/05/2024 until 10/31/2024
Enter one or more of the available fields to search the CDM Operational Coded Departure Routes (CDR) database. Fields left blank will return all values of that field. You can include AND ('&'), OR ('|'), and/or NOT ('!') in your request.
- Route Code: 8 character route code.
- Origin: 3 or 4 character departure airport designator.
- Destination: 3 or 4 character arrival airport designator.
- Departure Fix: Departure fix.
- Route String: All or any part of the route string.
- Departure ARTCC: 3 character center code.
- Arrival ARTCC: 3 character center code.
- Traversed ARTCCs: 3 character center codes.
- Coordination Required: coordination required when filing this route (Y/N).
- Nav Eqp: navigation equipment designator (1 - basic navigational routes, 2 - routes with RNAV DPs and/or STARs, 3 - routes with Q-route segments and/or pitch and catch points).
- Associated Play: All or any part of a Playbook Play name.