Special Traffic Management Program (e-STMP)

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Registering to Use the Web Site

All individuals using the e-STMP Web Reservation System to make a reservation are required to complete a one-time registration form. The fields on the Registration page and a brief explanation of each are as follows:


Required field. Enter your full name.

E-mail Address

Required field. After you enter your e-mail address and tab out of the field, your e-mail address is automatically capitalized.


Required field. The Password you select must be at least one character and no more than 10 characters. Any combination of letters and numbers may be used. When entered, the Password does not display on the screen. Instead, asterisks indicate each character entered in the Password field.


Optional field. The name of the company for which you are affiliated.


REMINDER: After successfully registering, be sure to write down your User ID (which is your email address) and Password in order to ensure access for subsequent visits to the site.


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Logging On to the Web Site

To use the e-STMP Web Reservation System, you are required to log on with the User ID (email address) and Password used during registration. If you attempt to go directly to an e-STMP reservation function, the application does not allow you to continue. This site also requires cookies to be enabled in order to access e-STMP reservation functions.

The fields on the User Log-In page and a brief explanation of each are as follows:

E-mail Address

Required field. After you enter your e-mail address and tab out of the field, your e-mail address is automatically capitalized.


Required field. When entered, the Password does not display on the screen. Instead, asterisks indicate each character entered in the Password field.


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Making a Reservation

The e-STMP Web Reservation System will not allow you to access the system if you have not first logged in. Before attempting to make a reservation, follow the instructions for Logging On to the Web Site. Once you are logged in, reservations can be made.

The fields on the Request Reservation page and a brief explanation of each are as follows:

Type of Request

Required field. Specify whether you are making an Arrival Request into an airport, or a Departure Request from an airport controlled by a STMP.

STMP Event Name

Required field. From the drop-down list, select the Event for which you are making a reservation.

Reserving for which Airport

Required field. Once you select an Event, a list of airports applicable to the event is displayed. Select the airport for which you are requesting a reservation.

Date of Request

Required field. Select your desired reservation date from the drop-down list.

Time of Request

Required field. Enter desired reservation Zulu time, in HHMM format.

If Time Of Request Not Available Give Nearest Time + or -

Optional field. Select an amount of time from 1 to 3 hours.  If this option is chosen, the system will search for the nearest reservation slot before and after your requested time.  It will automatically make a reservation if an available slot is found within the 1, 2 or 3-hour time frame you selected.  Any available slots found earlier than your requested time will be awarded in favor of any available slots later than your requested time.  This process will only be used if your preferred time is not available.

Alternate Airport

Optional field. Select an alternate airport.  The system will attempt to make a reservation at the alternate airport if no reservation slot is available at your preferred airport.

Remain Overnight

Required field. Specify whether you plan to stay overnight at the requested facility. This field is required for local planning.

Call Sign

Required field. Enter the aircraft's call sign.

Origin/Destination Airport

Required field. If making an arrival reservation, enter the 3-letter identifier of your departure airport. If making a departure reservation, enter the 3-letter identifier of your destination airport.

Aircraft Type

Required field. Air Traffic Controllers can provide more efficient air traffic services if they are aware of your type of aircraft. This allows them to consider your aircraft's performance characteristics when making control decisions. Enter your type of aircraft.


If a reservation is not available for the date and hour selected, the system will, if possible, display two times nearest to the requested time for which a reservation slot is available:  one time before and one after the requested time. You can select one of these times or request a new time by repeating the Request Reservation process.

If a reservation is not required for the date and hour selected, the system will inform you that a reservation is not required.



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Looking up a Reservation

Using this feature, users can look up a reservation to get complete details like: reservation time, aircraft type, other airport, remain overnight etc. You can lookup reservations made by either the touch-tone phone system or the web interface. To ensure security, all fields on this form are required. If a field is left blank, no information will be returned to you.

The fields on the Lookup Reservation page and a brief explanation of each are as follows:

Reservation Number

Required field. Enter your reservation number. This number was provided when you initially made your reservation. The new reservation number is in the format:

ABChhmmDDDDDD for unconfirmed reservations, or

ABChhmmDDDDDDC for confirmed reservations, where:

ABC: The 3-letter location identifier of the requested airport

hhmm: Requested time of the reservation in hours and minutes

DDDDDD: A 6-digit number

C: Letter indicating that the reservation is already confirmed

STMP Event

Required field. From the drop-down list, select the Event for which you are confirming a reservation.

Aircraft Call Sign

Required field. Enter the aircraft's call sign.


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Confirming a Reservation

Confirming a reservation is now mandatory. Once a reservation has been made, it must be confirmed at any point during the period beginning 24 hours prior to the requested time and 8 hours prior to the requested time. Failure to do so will result in the slot being canceled. The confirmation form allows you to confirm reservations made by either the touch-tone phone system or the web interface. To ensure security, all fields on this form are required. If a field is left blank, no information will be returned to you.

The fields on the Confirm Reservation page and a brief explanation of each are as follows:

Reservation Number

Required field. Enter your reservation number. This number was provided when you initially made your reservation. The new reservation number is in the format: ABChhmmDDDDDD, where:

ABC: The 3-letter location identifier of the requested airport

hhmm: Requested time of the reservation in hours and minutes

DDDDDD: A 6-digit number

STMP Event

Required field. From the drop-down list, select the Event for which you are confirming a reservation.

Aircraft Call Sign

Required field. Enter the aircraft's call sign.

Aircraft Type

Required field. Enter the aircraft type.

Contact Phone No

Required field. This field is pre-filled with the user's primary phone number from their profile. Users can change this number.


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Updating a Reservation

The Update Reservation function is available for changing Aircraft Type, Aircraft Call Sign and the airport not associated with the STMP event. Any or all of these items may be changed from the same page.

NOTE: If other changes (i.e., date or time of reservation) are needed, the reservation will need to be cancelled and a new reservation made.

The fields on the Update Reservation page and a brief explanation of each are as follows:

Reservation Number

Required field. Enter your reservation number. This number was provided when you initially made your reservation. The new reservation number is in the format:

ABChhmmDDDDDD for unconfirmed reservations, or

ABChhmmDDDDDDC for confirmed reservations, where:

ABC: The 3-letter location identifier of the requested airport

hhmm: Requested time of the reservation in hours and minutes

DDDDDD: A 6-digit number

C: Letter indicating that the reservation is already confirmed

STMP Event

Required field. From the drop-down list, select the Event for which you are changing reservation information.

Original Call Sign

Required field. Enter the reservation's original aircraft call sign.

Remain Overnight

Required field. Specify whether you plan to stay overnight at the requested facility.

Other Airport

Optional field. Enter the facility identifier of the new non-event airport. (i.e., Departure airport for an arrival reservation, or destination airport for a departure reservation.)

Call Sign

Optional field. Enter the new aircraft call sign.

Aircraft Type

Optional field. Enter the new aircraft type.


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Canceling a Reservation

Use the Cancel Reservation function to cancel a reservation for an event. To ensure security, all fields on the Cancel Reservation form are required. If a field is left blank, no information will be returned to the user.

The fields on the Cancel Reservation page and a brief explanation of each are as follows:

Reservation Number

Required field. Enter your reservation number. This number was provided when you initially made your reservation. The new reservation number is in the format:

ABChhmmDDDDDD for unconfirmed reservations, or

ABChhmmDDDDDDC for confirmed reservations, where:

ABC: The 3-letter location identifier of the requested airport

hhmm: Requested time of the reservation in hours and minutes

DDDDDD: A 6-digit number

C: Letter indicating that the reservation is already confirmed

STMP Event

Required field. From the drop-down list, select the Event for which you are canceling a reservation.

Aircraft Call Sign

Required field. Enter the reservation's original aircraft call sign.


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How This Site Uses Cookies

This site uses cookies in a non-intrusive manner only.  When users register with us, they provide a user-name, email address and password which we save temporarily in a "cookie" (a file containing a small amount of information) on your browser.  The cookie persists only as long as your browser is running.  The email-address and password are used only to validate users (associating a given user-name with the email address provided at registration time) when they log in. We do not capture any other personal information.


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How To Get Help

Additional problems with this system should be directed to the Air Traffic Control System Command Center's Airport Reservation Officer at (540) 422-4246.